"Trust The Experts", They Say.
Why trusting the experts has led us to being one of the most unhealthiest nations in the world.
It’s quite common now in days for people to put their health in the hands of so-called “experts”. They no longer trust their own intuition, experiences and ability to critically think and find the answers they’re looking for. If the information they’re reading or hearing isn’t from a highly credentialed doctor or health practitioner, they automatically think it’s not true or they just ignore it.
Who are the experts though? Who chooses who the experts are? The pharmaceutical industry does. The medical system has been hijacked and turned into a mafia. The pharmaceutical industry funds about half of the costs of continuing medical education (CME) programs in the U.S. if people knew the truth about their bodies and disease, they would know they don’t need any synthetic medicine whatsoever, so why would they be interested in that? That’s self annihilation.
This is the problem with trusting the experts and only them. Most of them are just regurgitating information the pharmaceutical companies want them to learn. Not every expert just blindly trusts what they’re taught in medical school though. Ironically, many of them are silenced and lose their licenses. There is many different experts that disagree with each other, so which ones are to be trusted and not?! This is where other things come into play that are irrelevant to the fact of the matter.
You don’t have to go to college to know the truth about your body. A degree doesn’t validate truthful information, just because someone went through medical school and someone else didn’t, that doesn’t necessarily mean they know more than them.
Despite the U.S. spending more money on healthcare than any other country in the world, they rank last in health outcomes of industrialized nations and disease rates are at all time highs. There is over 332 million citizens in the U.S. and over 60% of them are on pharmaceutical prescriptions. The U.S. only makes up 5% of the worlds population but consumes 50% of the worlds pharmaceutical products. If the most heavily funded robust healthcare system in the world is ran by experts who knew what they were talking about, why aren’t the statistics reflecting it?!
The only expert of health is you, you are the expert. This is why Hippocrates said “if you are not your own doctor you are a fool.” No one knows your body better than you. Don’t just blindly trust the experts, trust your own research, intuition and experiences. You don’t need a highly credentialed health practitioner to tell you about your body. Is it bad to take advice? Of course not but don’t think you need to seek outside sources other than yourself. You are the healer.
Most health experts are just going to prescribe you medication for your ailments or diseases, you don’t need medication. You don’t need to focus on the symptoms, symptoms are the effect. You need to focus on the root cause of the symptoms. Often times the root cause is from the medicines and products they give you, stress, bad diet, lack of sunshine, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, drinking contaminated water, breathing in polluted air and so much more. The root cause is never from a deficiency of consuming their medications and products.
Whenever we start to trust ourselves, connect with nature more often and stop blindly trusting experts, as a nation we will see significant change for the better. Until then, we will continue to be one of the most unhealthiest nations in the world and we will continue to suffer at rates higher than ever. The choice is in our hands.
Dont forget to trust your friendly politician also..
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